Complete guide to grain-free dog food

Welcome to our comprehensive guide to grain-free dog food, an essential part of a healthy diet for your dog. Whether you're an experienced dog owner or just starting to care for a new puppy, your dog's nutrition plays a crucial role in his well-being and quality of life. With the rising popularity and growing awareness of grain-free diets, it is important to make an informed choice that suits your dog's needs.

In this guide, we'll take you through everything related to grain-free dog food, from the key benefits to specific nutritional advice for different life stages and breeds. You'll discover why more and more dog owners are choosing grain-free dog food and how it can improve the health and happiness of their pets.

Why grain-free dog food?

Grain-free dog food is designed to more closely match the natural nutritional needs of dogs, which are primarily carnivores. Traditional dog food often contains grains such as wheat, corn and rice, which can be difficult for some dogs to digest and cause food allergies or intolerances. By replacing these grains with alternative sources of carbohydrates, such as sweet potato or peas, grain-free dog food provides a more balanced diet that can contribute to a healthier digestive system, better skin condition, and a shinier coat.

This grain-free dog food guide includes:

  • The benefits of grain-free dog food
  • Nutritional needs per life stage
  • Switch to a grain-free diet
  • Food allergies and food intolerances
  • Comparison with traditional dog food
  • Seasonal nutritional advice
  • Long-term health impact
  • Specific dietary advice for different breeds
  • Functional treats and their benefits

Keep reading to discover how you can provide your dog with a nutrient-rich, healthy, grain-free diet that will not only tantalize his taste buds, but also promote his health and longevity.

The benefits of grain-free dog food

Grain-free dog food is becoming increasingly popular among dog owners who strive for an optimal diet for their dogs. This type of food better meets the natural nutritional needs of dogs, which are carnivores by nature. Here are some of the top benefits of switching to a grain-free diet:

1. Improved digestion

Many dogs have difficulty digesting grains such as wheat, corn and rice, which are often found in traditional dog foods. Grain-free dog food replaces these grains with alternative carbohydrates such as sweet potato, peas or pumpkin, which are easier to digest. This can lead to better digestion and fewer gastrointestinal problems such as gas, diarrhea and bloating.

2. Healthier skin and coat

Grain-free food often contains a higher level of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are important for maintaining healthy skin and a shiny coat. Dog owners often notice a marked improvement in their dog's coat condition after switching to a grain-free diet. This includes less dandruff and hair loss, and a softer and shinier coat.

3. Energy and overall health

Because grain-free dog food better meets the dog's evolutionary nutritional needs, it can contribute to higher energy levels and improved overall health. Dogs on a grain-free diet may be more active and have better endurance.

4. Reduced allergies and food sensitivities

Grain-free diets can help reduce food allergies and sensitivities, especially in dogs sensitive to specific grains. By eliminating grains, these diets reduce the chance of allergic reactions, which can result in less itching and other allergic symptoms.

5. Weight management

Grain-free dog food is often lower in empty calories and higher in protein and fiber, which can help with weight management. This is especially important for dogs that tend towards being overweight or obese, as a healthy weight is crucial for overall health.

Nutritional needs per life stage

A dog's nutritional needs change as he ages. A grain-free diet can be adapted to meet these changing needs, from puppies to senior dogs. Below we explain how to optimize your dog's diet for each stage of life.


For puppies, a nutritious diet is essential for healthy growth and development. Grain-free dog food for puppies is often richer in the proteins and fats needed to support their energy and promote healthy growth. In addition, the high content of fatty acids such as DHA ensures the development of the brain and vision.

Adult dogs

Once dogs reach their adult size, their diet should be aimed at maintaining their health and vitality. Grain-free dog food provides a balanced mix of protein, fat and carbohydrates, which helps regulate their energy levels and maintain muscle mass. This type of food also helps to maintain ideal weight and provides essential nutrients for daily activity and health. Discover the nutritional needs of an adult dog here.

Senior dogs

Senior dogs have specific nutritional needs aimed at maintaining their health as they age. Grain-free dog food for senior dogs often has a customized nutritional formula with fewer calories to prevent weight gain, more fiber to support digestion, and increased levels of certain nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids to reduce inflammation and support cognitive function.

By choosing grain-free food that is tailored to your dog's specific life stage, you can ensure that he gets all the essential nutrients needed for a long and healthy life.

Switching to a grain-free dog food diet

Switching your dog to a grain-free diet should be done gradually to give your dog's digestive system time to adjust. Here are some steps you can take to make this transition as smooth as possible:

Step 1: Choose the right grain-free dog food

Select a grain-free dog food that is appropriate for your dog's age, weight and health status. Pay attention to the ingredients list to ensure the food contains high-quality protein sources and no unwanted additives. Consider seeking advice from a veterinarian or pet nutritionist to make the best choice.

Step 2: Introduce the new food gradually

Start by mixing a small amount of grain-free food with your dog's current food. A good starting ratio is 25% new food and 75% old food. Continue this for a few days and pay attention to how your dog reacts.

Step 3: Increase the amount of grain-free food

If your dog tolerates the new food well, gradually increase the proportion of grain-free food. Increase the amount every few days until you have finally transitioned completely to the grain-free diet. A typical schedule might look like this:

  • Day 1-2: 25% grain-free dog food, 75% old food
  • Day 3-4: 50% grain-free dog food, 50% old food
  • Day 5-6: 75% grain-free dog food, 25% old food
  • Day 7-10: 100% grain-free dog food

Step 4: Monitor your dog's health

It is important to monitor your dog's health throughout the transition period. Watch for signs of digestive problems such as diarrhea or vomiting, and for changes in appetite or energy levels. Don't hesitate to contact your vet if you are concerned about how your dog is responding to the new diet.

Step 5: Stay consistent

Once fully transitioned, it is important to stay consistent with the grain-free diet to see the best results. Regular check-ups with the vet can help ensure the diet remains appropriate for your dog's needs.

Food allergies and intolerances

Food allergies and intolerances can have a major impact on your dog's health and well-being. Grain-free dog food can be a helpful solution for dogs prone to these problems. Here's an explanation of how grain-free dog food can help:

Recognizing food allergies and intolerances

Food allergies and intolerances often manifest in symptoms such as itchy skin, ear infections, digestive problems, and chronic diarrhea. If your dog shows such symptoms, it is important to consult a veterinarian who can help make a diagnosis, possibly through an elimination diet.

The role of grain-free dog food

  1. Elimination of allergens: Many dogs are allergic to the proteins in grains such as wheat, corn and soy. Switching to a grain-free diet eliminates these common allergens, which can help reduce allergic reactions.
  2. Improved digestion: Grain-free dog food often contains alternative carbohydrates such as sweet potato, which are easier to digest and less likely to cause digestive problems.
  3. High-quality protein sources: Grain-free dog foods often focus on providing high-quality animal protein sources, which better match the natural nutritional needs of carnivores and are less likely to cause allergic reactions than some cheaper grain-based proteins.

Approach to switching

If you are considering switching to a grain-free diet due to allergies or intolerances, start with a gradual introduction of the new food as described in the section on switching to a grain-free diet. It's important to work closely with your vet to monitor progress and ensure the switch has positive effects on your dog's health.

Comparison of grain-free dog food with traditional dog food

When choosing the right dog food, it is important to understand the differences between grain-free and traditional dog food. Here's an overview of some of the key differences and what they can mean for your dog's health.

Nutritional value

  • Grain-free dog food: This type of food often contains a higher percentage of animal protein and fewer carbohydrates, which is closer to dogs' natural nutritional needs. It contains alternative carbohydrate sources such as sweet potato, peas, or pumpkin, which are generally easier to digest.
  • Traditional dog food: Often based on grains such as wheat, corn and rice, which provide cheaper sources of energy and protein. However, these can be more difficult to digest and contain potential allergens.


  • Grain-free dog food: Generally more expensive than traditional food due to the higher cost of the protein-rich ingredients and the lack of cheaper fillers such as grains.
  • Traditional dog food: Usually cheaper and provides a cost-effective way to feed your dog, although it may not provide the optimal blend of nutrients.

Health effects

  • Grain-free dog food: May help reduce food-related allergies and intolerances, promote healthier skin, a shinier coat, and may reduce digestive problems.
  • Traditional dog food: For some dogs, grains can be a source of allergic reactions, leading to chronic health problems such as rashes, ear infections and digestive disorders.


  • Grain-free dog food: Great for dogs with specific food allergies or intolerances, older dogs who may require a lower calorie diet, and breeds prone to digestive problems.
  • Traditional dog food: May be suitable for dogs without specific dietary sensitivities, especially if they have high energy needs that need to be met quickly and efficiently.

By considering these differences, you as a dog owner can make a better decision about which type of food best suits your dog's needs.

Seasonal nutritional advice

Dogs' nutritional needs can vary depending on the season, especially in regions with large differences between summer and winter. Here are some tips on how to adapt your dog's grain-free diet to reflect seasonal changes:


  • Increased hydration: During the warmer months, it is essential to ensure your dog stays adequately hydrated. Consider foods rich in moisture, such as fresh meat and some vegetables, to support hydration.
  • Lighter meals: Reduce the amount of heavy fats and proteins that can be harder to digest as temperatures rise. Opt for lighter, but nutritious options that provide energy without being too taxing.


  • Add calories: In colder climates, dogs may need extra calories to stay warm. Increase portions of high-calorie foods slightly, especially for dogs that spend a lot of time outdoors.
  • Support for the coat and skin: The dry winter air can dry out your dog's skin and coat. Provide foods rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which help keep the skin healthy and the coat shiny and full.

Spring and autumn

  • Allergy Management: Many dogs experience seasonal allergies, especially in the spring and fall. A grain-free diet can help reduce allergic reactions as it does not contain typical allergens such as wheat or corn.
  • Preparing for activity levels: During the transitional seasons, many dogs prepare for increased activity (spring) or for the colder months ahead (fall). Adjust the diet to provide enough energy and nutrients to match your dog's changing activity levels.

These adjustments will help balance your dog's diet all year round and keep him in optimal health, regardless of the weather.

Impact of grain-free dog food on longer-term health

Choosing grain-free dog food can have important benefits for your dog's long-term health. Here are some ways a grain-free diet can positively contribute:

1. Promote a healthy weight

Grain-free dog food often helps dogs maintain a healthy weight because it contains more protein and fewer carbohydrates. This balance promotes better metabolism and helps prevent your dog from gaining too much weight, which in turn helps prevent other health problems such as diabetes and heart disease.

2. Improving digestion

Many dogs have better digestion when they eat grain-free food. Without grains, they suffer less from problems such as bloating, gas and diarrhea, and they can absorb nutrients better.

3. Support immune health

Grain-free foods often contain a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, which provide natural antioxidants. These antioxidants are important for the dog's immune system and help it stay healthy and resist diseases.

4. Extension of lifespan

Although direct evidence is difficult to find, many veterinarians and nutritionists suggest that a diet rich in quality protein and free of unnecessary fillers, such as grains, can contribute to a longer, healthier life for pets. Dogs with better overall health often have fewer chronic health problems.

5. Healthier skin and coat

The high-quality fats in grain-free dog food, such as fish oil and linseed oil, support healthy skin and a shiny coat. These fats provide essential fatty acids such as omega-3 and omega-6, which help reduce skin problems and ensure a beautiful, healthy coat.

So offering a grain-free diet can play an important role in your dog's long-term health and well-being.

Specific dietary advice for different breeds

Dog breeds vary greatly in size, metabolism and health conditions, meaning their nutritional needs can also differ. Here are some examples of how you can tailor a grain-free diet to the specific needs of different breeds:

1. Small breeds (such as Chihuahua and Yorkshire Terrier)

  • High energy needs: Small breeds often have faster metabolisms than larger breeds and may benefit from a higher calorie diet per pound of body weight.
  • Smaller, frequent meals: To prevent hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), it may be better to offer smaller, frequent meals.

2. Large breeds (such as German Shepherd and Labrador Retriever)

  • Joint health: Large breeds often suffer from joint problems. Diets rich in omega-3 fatty acids and appropriate supplements such as glucosamine can help support joint health.
  • Controlled Growth: Large breed puppy food should provide the right balance of nutrients to support healthy, gradual growth and help prevent problems such as hip dysplasia.

3. Active and working breeds (such as Border Collie and Siberian Husky)

  • High energy content: Working and active breeds need diets rich in calories and nutrients to support their energy.
  • High-Quality Protein: A diet high in high-quality protein is essential to maintain their muscle mass and overall health.

4. Breeds with specific health issues (such as French Bulldogs and Pugs)

  • Adjusted diet: Breeds prone to respiratory problems or other specific health issues may benefit from specific dietary adjustments, such as reducing fat to prevent obesity, which can worsen respiratory problems.

By taking into account the unique characteristics and needs of the dog breed, you can ensure that your grain-free diet makes the most of their health and well-being.

Functional treats and their benefits

Functional treats are not only a tasty treat for your dog, but also offer specific health benefits. Here's an overview of some popular types of functional treats and the benefits they provide:

1. Dental care treats

  • Benefits: These treats are designed to reduce plaque and tartar buildup and help keep gums healthy. They often have a specific shape or texture that helps mechanically clean the teeth as your dog chews.
  • Ingredients: Often enriched with ingredients such as parsley, mint, or active enzymes that help promote oral health and combat bad breath.

2. Treats for skin and coat

  • Benefits: These treats are formulated to support skin health and promote a shiny coat. They contain essential fatty acids such as omega-3 and omega-6, which help reduce dry skin and keep your dog's coat looking its best.
  • Ingredients: Ingredients such as fish oil, linseed oil or hemp oil are common additives that are rich in these fatty acids.

3. Calming treats

  • Benefits: Ideal for dogs that suffer from anxiety or stress, such as during thunderstorms, fireworks, or travel. These treats contain natural supplements that help your dog relax without the need for medications.
  • Ingredients: Common calming ingredients include chamomile, L-theanine, or CBD (cannabidiol), which are known for their relaxing properties.

4. Treats for digestion

  • Benefits: These treats help support digestion and can reduce problems such as diarrhea, constipation and flatulence. They are particularly helpful for dogs with sensitive stomachs or dietary restrictions.
  • Ingredients: Often enriched with fiber, probiotics, or prebiotics that help support intestinal health and promote healthy intestinal flora.

These functional treats can be a convenient and effective way to support certain aspects of your dog's health while enjoying a tasty snack.


In this comprehensive guide, we've covered the important aspects of a grain-free diet for dogs, from the specific benefits and nutritional needs by life stage to the special considerations for different breeds and seasons. We've also explored the positive impact of grain-free dog food on your dog's longer-term health and explained the additional benefits of functional treats.

Grain-free dog food offers a range of benefits, such as improved digestion, healthier skin and coat, and better overall health, making it an excellent choice for many dogs and their owners.

Are you ready to make the switch to a grain-free diet for your dog? View our products or contact our expert team for personal advice and discover our range of high-quality grain-free products. Give your dog the gift of a healthier, happier life with our specially formulated grain-free dog food.

For more tips and information about the care and nutrition of your dog, subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media. We regularly share updates, customer stories and special offers you don't want to miss.

Grain-free dog food

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